In its April 06, 2022 issue, the renowned Süddeutsche Zeitung tells the story and projects of Rafael Hostettler, founder of the robotics company Devanthro and external researcher at the TUM Chair of Robotics, Artificial Intelligence and Real-Time Systems. Hostettler adopted Roboy, a humanoid robot with ten fingers and ten toes. Roboy can be controlled via telepresence with virtual reality goggles. Roboy aims to solve the nursing shortage and enable the researcher to live after death. Devanthro recently moved into the Munich Urban Colab.
We are pleased to announce that the external Science Advisory Board (SAB) of MIRMI is now complete. The Science Advisory Board (SAB) is composed of leading experts in robotics and related disciplines who are independent of MIRMI and not directly affiliated with TUM. The SAB advises MIRMI on strategic matters, the scientific research agenda, and a mission-driven roadmap. It fosters exchange within the global research communities and supports research and innovation initiatives through strong collaboration with world-leading researchers. It is also the independent review body for application to…
Irene Bruckmeier, awarded 2nd place in Physics at the Jugend Forscht Regional Competition of Munich West in 2021, won the first edition of the Robotics & AI Internship organized by MIRMI and Franka Emika as a special prize for her project in Robotics ‘Control and stabilization of a two-wheeled LEGO robot with Simulink’ (original title: Regelung und Stabilisierung eines zweirädrigen LEGO-Roboters mit Simulink). This one-week internship covered theoretical and hands-on tasks in Robotics, from actuators and sensors, robotics control, collaborative (lightweight) robotics, mobile robots, MedTech…
Sometimes tools can serve different purposes. Last weekend GARMI, the service robot developed to care for elderly people, handed over trophies to the winners of the 2022 FIS Alpine Ski World Cup - Women to avoid COVID-19 contagions. We tell you some highlights and impressions of the event in this video. GARMI has been under development at the TUM Geriatronics Research Center in Garmisch-Partenkirchen and Munich, Bavaria, Germany.
By today’s signing of their cooperation agreement, the Technical University of Munich (TUM), the University of
Augsburg (UNIA), and the Munich School of Philosophy (HFPH) have laid the foundation stone for the joint “Center
for Responsible AI Technologies”, which will bring philosophical, ethical and social science issues into the
development of AI technologies in an integrated approach to research.
MIRMI will support the kick-off of innovative research projects via Seed Funds. The MIRMI Seed-Funds aim to stimulate new collaborations within MIRMI by supporting collaborative projects in the field of robotics and machine intelligence. Successful projects will receive funds for up to two (post)doctoral researchers (E13 50%) for up to six months duration. The plan is to hold a seed funding round every 6 months. The first round of MIRMI Seed Funds is open until 28.Feb.2022.
The service robot GARMI is planned to hand over trophies to the winners at the 2022 FIS Alpine Ski World Cup - Women in Garmisch-Partenkirchen to avoid COVID-19 contagions. The event will stream live on free TV tomorrow starting 11:30 ZDF, ORF 1 and Eurosport 2. Researchers of the Geriatronics Research Center adapted GARMI to operate outdoors for the first time.
The TUM Distinguished Lecture Series on AI & Healthcare is a bi-weekly lecture series taking place on Mondays
from 16:00-17:00 (CET) on Zoom. International experts and pioneers in the field will present their research.
Everyone who is interested in the topic is cordially invited
A TUM Team has developed software that lets race cars compete in motorsports without a driver. The TUM
Autonomous Motorsport Team was able to take 1st and 2nd place at the Autonomous Challenges in Indianapolis
and most recently at the CES in Las Vegas. Does this technology have the potential to revolutionize racing?
Markus Lienkamp, Professor for automotive technology, tells us the answer
The German federal government and the Free State of Bavaria created two new offers for startup projects based
on AI and intelligent robotics, AI+MUNICH and Robo.Innovate. The first aims to develop and scale AI start-up
ideas, and to accelerate the transfer of AI research from universities to industry. It will be coordinated by MUC
SUMMIT GmbH. The second will help pre-startup teams to have access to infrastructures (including a
development lab for robot apps), technological teaching and training, as well as customized training programs in
entrepreneurship and venturing. Robo.Innovate will…
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