Am Donnerstag den 31.01.19 besucht Prof. Stefano Stramigioli von der Universität Twente die MSRM und hält einen Vortrag (10:00-11:00 Uhr) zum Thema "Energy Aware Robotics, from Modelling to Control, from touching to flying". Prof. Stramigioli ist einer der weltweit führenden Wissenschaftler im Bereich Regelung und Robotik.
The presentation will first introduce the work conducted at the Robotics and Mechatronics lab of the University of Twente to then focus in a second part more specifically on the topic of Energy Aware Robotics. In this part some concepts will be presented of this modelling and control approach to stress its advantages. The presentation will finish by giving a flavour of how these techniques are now being extended to study robotics flapping.
Stefano Stramigioli received the M.Sc. with honors (cum laude) and the Ph.D with honors (cum laude) in 1998. He is an IEEE Fellow, ERC Advance Grant Recipient and recently nominated as a member of the Dutch academy of Science (KHMW). He has been an IEEE RAS officer for many years. He has been Editor in chief of the IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine, he has been an AdCom member of the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society, founder and chair of the Electronic Products and Services of the IEEE-RAS and serving as VP-MAB for two consecutive terms. He is serving for the second term as the Vice President for Research of euRobotics. He received different awards among which the IEEE-RAS Distinguished Service award, the euRobotics 2016 tech transfer award and a number of paper awards. His interests lie in conceptual and practical aspects of robotics and physical interacting systems which brought to the introduction of concepts like Energy Tanks, Passive Sampling and Dual Layer Tele-manipulation Architecture and Energy Aware Robotics.