Robo.innovate and the MakerSpace will host an exciting opportunity for all robotics enthusiasts to solve real-world challenges in Munich starting in October! From 06. October on, interested students and professionals have the chance to gather in teams and address challenges from renowned companies like Continental and start-ups like Omegga. After a joint kick-off on 06. October, teams get four weeks, hardware and software as well as extensive support from experts to conceptualize and prepare a robotics solution that they can physically implement in a three days hackathon in the Munich Urban…
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In the "Human Modeling and Rehabilitation Robotics" research group, Kim Kristin Peper conducts research on what is known as early rehabilitation. The PhD student at the Munich Institute of Robotics and Machine Intelligence (MIRMI) bridges the gap between coding, robotics and physiotherapy in her research.
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After the successful establishment of MIRMI Seed Funds in spring 2022, MIRMI opens a new call for applications to Seed Funds. MIRMI’s Principal Investigators are invited to send a joint application to by 15.October 2022. MIRMI Seed Funding aims to foster further innovative, ambitious research ideas and cooperation within the Institute.
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euROBIN is the Network of Excellence that brings together European expertise on Robotics and AI. It establishes a unified pan-European platform for research and development. For the first time, a large number of distinguished research labs across Europe are jointly researching AI-Based Robotics. Goals include both significant scientific advances on core questions of AI-based robotics as well as strengthening the scientific robotics community in Europe by providing an integrative community platform. The network is open to the entire robotics community and provides mechanisms of cascade funding…
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International talks and presentations at the high-tech summit, demonstrations of some 30 practical applications created by startups and in current research projects at the Technical University of Munich (TUM), AI.Society panel discussions, and Robothon®, a competition for young AI and robotics talent: munich_i is a high-tech platform being held under the auspices of the automatica trade fair from June 21–24 2022. It will show how humans and machines are converging – and provide fuel for debate, for example on the essential steps on the road ahead, especially for the international networking of…
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How robotics can improve the daily lives of the elderly and their caregivers: These are the central topics that scientists will be addressing at the first Geriatronics Summit in Garmisch. Questions to the organizers of the event and scientific leaders of the research projects, Luis Figueredo and Abdeldjallil Naceri from MIRMI.
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MIRMI will provide seed funding for three projects within the first round of MIRMI Seed Funds. The MIRMI Scientific Advisory Board (SAB), an independent organ of MIRMI composed of leading academics in the field of robotics and artificial intelligence from different universities across the world, reviewed and selected the best proposals. The idea is to foster joint projects at the initial stage to support innovative and ambitious ideas within a broad variety of topics in the field of robotics and machine intelligence.
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Ziel des Leuchtturmprojekts "Digitale Herz-OP" der Technischen Universität München (TUM) ist es, eine präzisere und schonendere Behandlung von Herzerkrankungen zu ermöglichen. Ärzte und Ingenieure des Deutschen Herzzentrums München (DHM) und des Münchner Instituts für Robotik und Maschinelle Intelligenz (MIRMI) arbeiten in einer zukunftsweisenden Partnerschaft eng zusammen, um gemeinsam neue hochpräzise Instrumente für den Operationssaal, das Herzkatheterlabor und die Intensivstation zu entwickeln. Orientiert an klinischen Herausforderungen werden innovative Sensordatenfusion, KI-gestützte…
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On Wednesday, May 4 at 18:30, Prof. Oussama Khatib (Standford University) will give the lecture titled "From Romeo & Juliet to OceanOneK Deep-Sea Robotic Exploration" at the Munich Institute of Robotics and Machine Intelligence (MIRMI). OceanOneK is a robotic diver with a high degree of autonomy for physical interaction with the environment while connected to a human expert through an intuitive interface. The robot was recently deployed in several archeological expeditions in the Mediterranean with the ability to reach 1000 meters. Distancing humans physically from dangerous and unreachable…
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In its April 06, 2022 issue, the renowned Süddeutsche Zeitung tells the story and projects of Rafael Hostettler, founder of the robotics company Devanthro and external researcher at the TUM Chair of Robotics, Artificial Intelligence and Real-Time Systems. Hostettler adopted Roboy, a humanoid robot with ten fingers and ten toes. Roboy can be controlled via telepresence with virtual reality goggles. Roboy aims to solve the nursing shortage and enable the researcher to live after death. Devanthro recently moved into the Munich Urban Colab.
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