MIRMI Research Seed Funds

MIRMI's Seed-Funding initiative supports exciting new ideas and research projects. It began in 2022 and invites twice a year MIRMI members to submit a 2-pager proposal. MIRMI offers funding to start collaborative projects. Each proposal should involve at least two MIRMI members, and cooperation with additional TUM Principal Investigators (i.e., TUM professors or TUM Junior fellows) or international partners is highly appreciated. MIRMI SAB is especially favorable to proposals that align with its strategic objectives such as fostering fresh collaborations or adding new members. External experts in robotics and machine intelligence from our Science Advisory Board review the proposals to choose the winners. Sponsored projects have to hand in a short report about the outcome around three months after the funding period. They are expected lead to joint publications or even external funding.
MIRMI Seed Funds - Round 4 Open
Related Information:
- Call's application deadline: March 01, 2024
- Call for research proposals
Winners Round 3:
- E-TURN (Framework for Energy Minimizing Trajectory Planning for Land Vehicle Turning Use Cases) by Prof. Oksanen and Prof. Betz
- DeepSTEP team (Deep Learning-Based Spatio-Temporal End-To-End Perception for Autonomous Vehicles) by Prof. Lienkamp and Prof. Lilienthal
- and CO-DC (Combined Optimal Design and Control for Futre Soft Robots) by Prof. Nachbagauer and Prof. Piazza
Related Information:
- Call's application deadline: July 15, 2023
- Call for research proposals
Winners Round 2:
- Learning-Aided Real-World Semantic Exploration. By Angela Schöllig, CIT and Stefan Leutenegger, CIT
- EMIRAS, Ergonomic Master console for Intuitive Robot-Assisted Surgery. By Mahammad Ali Nasseri, School of Medicine and Klaus Bengler, School of Engineering and Design
- BE-MINd, Bionic Limb Embodiment via Minimally Invasive Nanoelectrodes. By Christina Piazza, CIT and Kristen Kozielski, CIT)
- BuildingSwarmBot, The benefit analysis of swarm robotics on the construction site. By Johannes Fottner, School of Engineering and Design and Alois Knoll, Faculty of Informatics.
Related Information:
- Call's application deadline: October 15, 2022
- Call for research proposals
- The second call for MIRMI Seed Funds will support 4 scientific proposals
Winners Round 1:
- Human Neuromechanics and Control Strategies to Excite Periodic Motions in (Non-) Linear Systems (NeuroSwing) by Prof. Dr. David Franklin, Department of Sport and Health Science Faculty of Neuromuscular Diagnostics and Prof. Dr. Alin Albu-Schäffer, Department of Informatics, Faculty of Sensor-Based Robotic Systems and Intelligent Assistance Systems
- Clinical Application of Robotics In Spinal Surgery (CARISS) by Prof. Dr. Sandro M. Krieg, Department of Neurosurgery, Klinikum rechts der Isar, TUM school of medicine and Univ.-Prof. Dr. Bernhard Meyer, Department of Neurosurgery, Klinikum rechts der Isar, TUM school of medicine
- Enhancing Image Quality in Clinical Applications with Robotic Multi-spectral Optoacoustic Tomography (RoMSOT), by Prof. Vasilis Ntziachristos, MIRMI Member, Chair of Biological Imaging (CBI), Prof. Nassir Navab, MIRMI Member, Chair for Computer Aided Medical Procedures and Augmented Reality (CAMP)
Related Information:
- Call's application deadline: Fabruary 28, 2022
- Call for research proposals
- MIRMI Seed Funds were granted to 3 projects
M.A. Elisabeth Dieterle
- Tel.: +49 (89) 289 - 29408
- elisabeth.dieterle@tum.de