Education on Robotics and AI at TUM

Students can focus their education on robotics and machine intelligence by enrolling in the different courses offered by the TUM departments listed below. On this page, you can also find key programs and courses related to robotics and machine intelligence that Chairs affiliated with MIRMI offer.
Master of Science (M.Sc.) | Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
The goal of the Master's program is to offer a broad-based study program with a specialization in a core area. The core areas available are "Automation and Robotics", "Bioengineering and Neuroengineering", "Communications Engineering", "Electromagnetics, Microwave Engineering and Measurements", "Electronic
Circuits and Systems", "Embedded and Computer Systems", "Micro- and Nanoelectronics" and
"Power Engineering".
Master of Science (M.Sc.) | Department of Mechanical Engineering
A Program for Border Crossers! Are you ambitious to develop intelligent and digitally networked systems and sophisticated, smart robot systems? You value the interdisciplinarity between mechanical engineering, computer engineering and electrical engineering? Then become a sought-after specialist.
The I.MDL - Intelligent Machine Design Lab is part of a multi-semester course series, which aims to enable TUM master's students to develop and build complex and powerful mechatronic systems with high social and economic relevance. Students learn to develop product ideas independently and to transfer them step-by-step into near-series product prototypes. After completing the module series, students will be able to evolve complex mechatronic-system projects. Particular focus is placed on the development of multi-disciplinary design and integration skills and their use in an interdisciplinary team.

We live in a society of long life. More than 16 million people in Germany are older than 67, and 6 million are over 80. And according to current calculations, there is a very high probability that one in three of the current birth cohorts will live to be 100. There is no question about it: demographic change is profoundly altering our society, not only inevitably the social security systems, but all areas of life, from the world of work to mobility and consumer behavior to culture and leisure activities.
As society ages, however, the number of people who will need care in old age is also growing. By 2030, there will probably be 5 million people in Germany who will need permanent help and support. All experts agree that this growing need for assistance can only be met with the use of new, life-saving technology. Because in the course of demographic change, human resources are dwindling at the same time; we are simply running out of "younger helping hands" for more and more people in need of care.
The lecture "Responsible Robotics" addresses these diverse issues of an aging society in the course of demographic change and is aimed at students in the Master's program who are dealing (in-depth) for the first time with the "society of long life" under the most diverse aspects and issues. The lecture series will provide important facts and background information. It will also address the question of what contribution the engineering sciences in particular can make to enable an increasingly aging society to live independently and to maintain this independence for as long as possible.
Responsible for the lecture is Dr. Stefan Arend, since winter semester 2021 / 2022 lecturer at TUM for the subject "Demographic Change and Long Life Society". Arend has been working on these topics for more than three decades and also publishes regularly on issues of care and living arrangements for old age.
The lecture will take place in three blocks in Munich and Garmisch-Partenkirchen: I: 28.4. and 29.4.2022 (Munich), II: 19.5. and 20.5.2022 (Garmisch-Partenkirchen) and III: 28.6. and 29.6.2022 (Munich). On 19.05.2022 and 20.5.2022, visits to the Geriatronics Research Center (robotics and AI in care), the LongLeif gGmbH of the Garmisch-Partenkirchen market, and a senior citizens' facility in Garmisch-Partenkirchen are planned.
ICL - MSRM is a growing cooperation initiative for research in the domain of robotics and machine intelligence. PIs and TUM students can access more information on the MSRM wiki.
Are you an elite robotics student? Join the Advanced Technologies for Designing Robotics Systems – Elite Summer School. This is a sponsored two-week international summer school in Denmark with other highly talented students from around the world.
What to expect
- The summer school will run from 28 July to 13 August 2021
- The selected students from targeted universities are eligible for a full scholarship including airfare, accommodation and tuition sponsored by Innovation Centre Denmark and partners.
- We will provide you with state-of-the-art technologies to design a robotic system for a given task, mainly within industrial manufacturing, but also tasks within service robotics and robotics for medical applications
- We will introduce the various scientific topics through intensive lectures and exercises, and provide insight into the challenges and opportunities for technology based robotic start-ups.
- You will be taught by leading international scientists and prominent guest lecturers such as Distinguished Professor Henrik Christensen, who is Director of the Contextual Robotics Institute at UC San Diego and the Qualcomm Chancellor’s Chair of Robot Systems and Prof. Dr. Sami Haddadin, who is the Director of the Munich School of Robotics and Machine Intelligence at the Technical University of Munich (TUM).
- The language will be English
Applications until 20.May.2021!
For more information please see or contact Ulrik Kjølsen Olsen, Innovation Centre Denmark, Munich at phone: +49 (0) 171 309 6314, email: Please submit your application to Ulrik Kjølsen Olsen (containing One-page Letter of Motivation, Academic Transcript and CV) by 20 May 2021.
Please be advised that The Summer School is in-person but may be subject to change caused by COVID-19 restrictions.
More information
Consult the programs offered by the Chairs affiliated with MIRMI here