TUM Press Releases
In a new research laboratory at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) in the Deutsches Museum, humans and robots are working closely together. The goal of the KI.Fabrik flagship project is to develop flexible, learning-enabled robots that support people in their work with the help of artificial intelligence (AI).
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Preventing accidents by computing impending collisions of drones or cars: that is the goal of Darius Burschka. The professor at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) tracks every point in images generated by cameras carried by flying drones or cars on the road. In principle he applies the “constant bearing” technique traditionally used by navigators at sea.
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Researchers at the Munich Institute of Robotics and Machine intelligence (MIRMI) at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) have developed a model that enables a robot to serve tea and coffee faster and more safely than humans – with no sloshing. The mathematics behind the pendulum used in the concept is more than 300 years old.
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Researchers at the TUMCREATE research platform on the Singapore campus of the Technical University of Munich (TUM) have developed CityMoS – City Mobility Simulator. This concept is now supporting the city state in southern Asia in the electrification of transportation. It is also helping to calculate the impact of transportation on the heat generated in the city. CityMoS is already being deployed in Germany, where it is helping with the e transformation of a DHL Freight logistics terminal.
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Good news for the TUM Geriatronics campus in Garmisch-Partenkirchen and the Robo.Care AI mission: the Bavarian cabinet’s 2023 draft budget includes 4.74 million euros in funding for research on robotics and AI applications in the care of the elderly. This was announced by Bavarian science minister Markus Blume on a visit to the campus, which he praised as a “model project for Germany and the world”. The new campus is a project under the auspices of the Munich Institute of Robotics and Machine Intelligence (MIRMI) of TUM.
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Can surgeons quantify the risk of aphasia when removing a brain tumor? To find out, researchers at Klinikum rechts der Isar of the Technical University of Munich (TUM) are analyzing the brain as a network. In a current study with 60 patients, they already achieved an accuracy rate with three quarters of their predictions.
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In the Providentia++ project, researchers at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) have worked with industry partners to develop a technology to complement the vehicle perspective based on onboard sensor input with a bird’s-eye view of traffic conditions. This improves road safety – also for autonomous driving.
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International talks and presentations at the high-tech summit, demonstrations of some 30 practical applications created by startups and in current research projects at the Technical University of Munich (TUM), AI.Society panel discussions, and Robothon®, a competition for young AI and robotics talent: munich_i is a high-tech platform being held under the auspices of the automatica trade fair from June 21–24 2022. It will show how humans and machines are converging – and provide fuel for debate, for example on the essential steps on the road ahead, especially for the international networking of…
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Ziel des Leuchtturmprojekts "Digitale Herz-OP" der Technischen Universität München (TUM) ist es, eine präzisere und schonendere Behandlung von Herzerkrankungen zu ermöglichen. Ärzte und Ingenieure des Deutschen Herzzentrums München (DHM) und des Münchner Instituts für Robotik und Maschinelle Intelligenz (MIRMI) arbeiten in einer zukunftsweisenden Partnerschaft eng zusammen, um gemeinsam neue hochpräzise Instrumente für den Operationssaal, das Herzkatheterlabor und die Intensivstation zu entwickeln. Orientiert an klinischen Herausforderungen werden innovative Sensordatenfusion, KI-gestützte…
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Prof. Urs Gasser is the founding dean of the new TUM School of Social Sciences and Technology and is also the rector of the Hochschule für Politik München. In this interview he explains why values and technology must be treated as inseparable.
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