On Friday the 21st of June, the EU project DARKO demonstrated its results during a Stakeholder Meeting in the KI.Fabrik at Deutsches Museum. The DARKO robot demonstrated its ability to grasp objects with a soft, human-like hand, transport it in an environment shared with humans and throw it "the last meter" into a target box. This demonstration is based on a use case at Bosch Siemens Household Devices (BSH) in Fürth. Researchers from the Universities of Pisa, Lincoln, Örebro, EPFL, and TUM together with industrial partners from Bosch and Spindox Labs worked hard to integrate all components that were developed largely separately in the project that runs since 2021. A second round of demonstrations showed further developments in progress: throwing with an elastic arm, and by a robot using a pneumatic tool, anthropomorphic and linguistic human-robot interaction (HRI) and causal discovery of dynamic models in human-robot interaction. The coordinator of the DARKO project is Prof. Achim J. Lilienthal from (TUM & Örebro University) who also leads the MIRMI lighthouse project KI.Fabrik. He concluded: "I'm happy about the very positive response we got from the stakeholders who visited us on Friday. Even more, I'm extremely proud of the enormous effort the DARKO team put into making this event happen. And despite a demanding, two-week-long, very intense integration sprint, the DARKO team asked already on Friday afternoon whether we can arrange the next integration weeks sooner than planned."