For Founders: robo.innovate
robo.innovate is the hub to foster robotic start-ups in Bavaria and beyond. This initiative of the Munich Institute of Robotics and Machine Intelligence (MIRMI) at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) brings together founders, start-ups, scientists, industry, and investors on their journey to develop intelligent robotics. robo.innovate teams benefit from a domain-specific community as well as entrepreneurial training programs and a unique workshop infrastructure.
For Entrepreneurship Enthusiasts: TUM Venture Lab Robotics/AI
TUM Venture Labs aim to strengthen the startup ecosystem and attract more technological capital to the greater Munich area. The initiative offers educational programs, venturing support, and an ecosystem consisting of events, networks, and infrastructure that interdisciplinary teams can use to bring research results and ideas into a viable business venture. The Venture Lab Robotics/AI is one of the TUM venture labs supported by the joint initiative between TUM, UnternehmerTUM, and selected external partners. The lab is located in the Munich Urban Colab (MUC), a co-working space for new forms of cross-sector and interdisciplinary collaboration that opened its doors to innovators on 01.04.2021.